Terms of use

1. Site editor

  • Company name: OLIVIER SARL
  • Legal form: SARL
  • Head office address: 3 rue François Bergoeing, 33490 SAINT MACAIRE
  • SIRET number: 44950300200023
  • RCS number: Bordeaux B 449 503 002
  • Share capital: €200,000.00
  • Contact: 05 56 62 05 89, j.olivi@orange.fr

2. Publishing director

  • Name: Nicolas Olivier
  • Position: Manager of
  • Contact: j.olivi@orange.fr

3. Hosting

  • Name: OVH – SAS RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
  • Principal activity code (APE) 2620Z
  • Num. VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419
  • Hosting company headquarters: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

4. Design and production

  • Site design and development: Blixi
  • Photographs :
  • Cannelle MÉAR : cannelle-photographe.fr
  • Legal photos downloaded from: https://www.freepik.com/
  • Drone videos and photos: François, Vues d’en Haut
  • Acknowledgements : The Château Yquem estate for permission to use views of its estate.

5. Intellectual property

All content on this site (text, images, videos) is protected by copyright and intellectual property law. Reproduction, use or modification without prior authorization is prohibited.

6. Processing of personal data

In compliance with the RGPD, personal data collected on this site is processed securely.

7. Cookies

This site uses cookies to improve the user experience. You can manage your cookie preferences at any time.

8. Presentation and principle

Any Internet user who uses the website: cars-olivier.com is considered to be a user of the site. The cars-olivier.com website contains a number of services which are available to users as they stand. They must remain courteous and show good faith towards other users as well as towards the Webmaster of the site cars-olivier.com. The cars-olivier.com website is regularly updated by SARL OLIVIER, who endeavours to provide information that is as accurate as possible (subject to any changes made since it was put online), but cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided, either by itself or by third-party partners who provide such information. In dependence, the user acknowledges that he/she uses this information under his/her sole responsibility.

9. Digital accessibility

The following site cars-olivier.com is generally accessible to users 24/24h, 7/7d, except in case of maintenance, planned or not, for the needs of update or force majeure. In the event of service being unavailable, SARL OLIVIER will do its utmost to restore access to the website and will endeavour to inform users in advance of the dates and times of the interruption. As SARL OLIVIER is only subject to a fee for services, it cannot be held responsible for any damage of any kind.